Once upon a time, there was a seven-year-old girl named Amina who lived in a small town in Africa. Amina was an afro-descendant and loved solving mysteries. One day, she was playing with her friends when she heard a loud noise coming from the old, abandoned house on the other side of the town.

Amina immediately went to investigate, and when she arrived at the house, she found that the door was unlocked. She cautiously entered the house and began searching for clues. As she made her way through the dusty and dimly lit rooms, she noticed that there were strange markings on the walls and furniture.

As she followed the markings, she stumbled upon a hidden room, where she found a locked chest. Determined to solve the mystery, Amina searched for a way to open the chest. After some time, she found a key hidden behind a painting and used it to unlock the chest.
